Monday 31 December 2012

Superstars 2012: I was there!

So as 2012 draws to a close, I am going to reflect one final time on an issue of the year. I felt after the 12 months we have just experienced, it ought to be Olympic or Paralympic based, after all, they have certainly been the talking point and inspiration of this year, so I am going to reflect on the TV broadcast of Superstars that occurred on Saturday evening. The show was a huge hit in the 1970’s and 1980’s, with names such as Kevin Keegan and Brian Jacks being involved in incidents that have forever been etched in sports fans minds. A brief revival occurred between 2002 and 2004 but since then the show has been cast into the archives. This year though, filmed at the University of Bath over a wet weekend at the end of November, 16 British Olympic medallists fought for the female and male titles.

The format of the 2012 competition differed from those in the past. Seven events were on show, the 100m, archery, kayaking, 800m, swimming, javelin and gym tests. Previously the competition would have 8 to 10 events. Each athlete was pulled out from two (normally one of their own choice, and one by producers – an event most similar to their own profession), although they all had to compete in the 100m and gym tests. The competition was divided into the eight men and eight females who then underwent the gruelling demands of an all-round sporting champion.

I was fortunate enough to be in Bath on the Saturday the competition began. Being an alumni of the university, I knew my way around the Sports Training Village where most of the events took place, and my friend and I soon discovered that the organisation, control and security of the audience was not particularly good, and as such we wandered around to many areas that you would have thought to be deemed out of bounds. In such time we managed to meet Nicola Adams and Christine Ohuruogu. Both were extremely pleasant (especially when you consider we had got ourselves into an area they probably did not expect to be disturbed) and gave off a vibe that they were really enjoying participating in the show. Adams, in particular, with her huge smile and humour, was becoming a bit of a favourite with us. We embraced our time back at the university. Later on we were making banterous comments outside towards Denise Lewis and Gabby Logan as well, the latter of whom, gets a lot of attention before every link she was recorded on. Do they not know how attractive she already is?! Particularly when the spectators were looking like drowned rats outside!

The time we were around for coincided with the 800m, although we got a sneaky peek of some of the archery thanks to the crane camera that filmed most of the athlete’s attempts. However, we eventually succumbed ourselves to the rain outside but positioned ourselves right on the start/finish line, a perfect viewing station, and one where we could pick ourselves out from in the televised broadcast. The ladies emerged first, and Adams was certainly not up for it, based on how much she had wrapped herself up. Ohuruogu was removed from this event (as was Mo Farah for the men), but I was backing Jade Jones, simply because, as I told Iwan Thomas later on, she’s beautiful. Jade came second, with Helen Glover, the eventual winner of the women’s title, running a great race to take the win. It’s perhaps no surprise that Glover was champion. A rowing gold medallist and a former member of the military, the woman was clearly going to possess speed, power and endurance.

The men’s event was one to eagerly anticipate as both the Brownlee brothers were competing head-to-head. I think everyone knew already that it would be a two horse race, and my what a show they put on, with Alistair overtaking Jonathan in the final 100m to beat him by inches. It was an incredible speed that the two men put on throughout, and it would have been interesting to see how Farah would have done against the pair. Unsurprisingly, the BBC knew who to interview beforehand and as Iwan spoke to the pair, you hopefully heard a chant of “Brownlee’s, give us a wave!” in the background. I am proud to say I was a major instigator in that, and for it to be picked up by Iwan in the interview was very cool.

The event and having seen the programme back, whole show, was stolen by Peter Wilson. As a shooter, all he does is stand still in his sport and fire a gun, so all of these events were basically beyond his talents. However, he embraced every one, went out and had fun, and made many others laugh along the way. He was our cult hero for the 800m, and despite knowing he’d finish last we cheered him on all the way, again instigating a “Wilson, give us a wave” as he came down the final stretch which was acknowledged. Afterwards, we were praised by a BBC producer, and Wilson himself came over and gave us all a big bear hug, a moment, I’m gutted missed the final edit. One guy amongst us even got to keep Wilson’s woolly ‘Superstars’ branded hat!

Antony Joshua, the super-heavyweight gold medal boxer was the men’s champion. An unsurprising result when you consider the fitness boxers need to possess, whilst Joshua is a tall, powerful specimen, who even in the 800m, managed to carry his hefty frame around comfortably to take third. The competition is all about consistency, and the big man certainly delivered there. I was particularly surprised that the Brownlee brothers did not feature more prominently towards the top, considering their all-round prowess in their own sport.

All in all though, my day watching the broadcast was great. Yes, we got wet, but the crowds certainly turned out on both days. The television audience too also seems to have reacted very positively. The show dominated the ratings at the time, achieving over 6 million viewers, and hopefully, the success of it all, will lead to the BBC commissioning a regular annual series once more. The athletes clearly enjoyed themselves; their twitter feeds afterwards as well as interviews during the show are proof of this. It is a fun, entertaining television and a different perspective for sport enthusiasts to look at their idols from. Superstars 2012, topping off the best sporting year ever...?!

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